What do you think the Black influence
on Music is?
Blacks have had a considerable influence on
music. For instance, Lil Richard --> Jimi Hendrix-->
Jay Z. We have created all kinds of genres of music and
people of all races have been inspired and continue to be
inspired by the music that we have created.
Blacks have conquered every aspect of music, rock, classic,
rap and the music we have created continues to influence
people of all ages and nationalities. So these people create
music and music just continues to become more creative and
grow in all directions. The Black influence on music is
sometimes misinterpreted. For example, people who may just
watch BET may think rap is all about sex and drugs. Then
these people start to believe black people just talk about
sex and drugs and apply that stereotype to ALL black people.
On the contrary blacks have much positive influence on music
as aforementioned. There are many rappers who talk about
improving society or just living life in general.
-Olufunmi. 17.
Waco. Residence Hall assistant
Lost is the reality that rock `n' roll was actually born
out of the belly of Black blues music and raised by Black
artists as far back as the old work songs, sung in the hot
southern fields during slavery. Or in the 1950s in smoke-filled
clubs along Beale Street in Memphis, to 125th Street in
Harlem. Lacking creativity, many White artists "covered"
songs Blacks had written years earlier and made it big by
copying the performing styles and dress of Black artists.
-Chioma. 21. Los
Angeles. Pharmacy Technician/ Instructor/Student
The black influence goes back to the time
of slavery, when the African slaves brought over their traditional
sounds mostly coming from drums. The basic drum beat that
is the back bone to most music came from these people.
-Emilie. SSF.
27. Bartender
Is this an essay contest or something? Makes
me think of college applications.
Anyway, how have blacks influenced music? How have any of
the other races influenced music? By having their own styles
of music exist and be exposed to other styles of music...
Afrocuban music is very influenced by African music, which
is black (well, I should say by black African music)
-Amoin. 19 and
one half. Pittsburg, CA. Student
Blacks have influenced music to be astounding,
whether it be good results or bad. I could list a million
examples, but that one line alone represents my main answer
to this. What is the black influence on music? STereotype
of course. All i have to say is what BET depicts real and
the artists whether they be soul or rap real?
-James. 20. Fayetteville.
Government Postal Worker
Soul! Thats my answer! In my opinion even
the so called greatest singers dont have it!
-Freddy Gonzales.
30. San Diego, CA. Medical/ DJ /Promoter