Watch Torera Part 1 & 2 Starring Faithia Balogun, Odunlade Adekola

Watch Torera Part 1 and 2 on Nigerian Entertainment: Torera is a Nollywood Movie starring Faithia Balogun, Odunlade Adekola, and Adebayo Salami. It is the story of Torera, a princess who gave all her life and love to a husband who maltreats her. Want to know what happens to their relationship? Find out in our featured movie of the week.

Torera PART 1

Torera PART 2

torera nollywood movie

Nigerian Entertainment features quality Nollywood movies and movies from around the world. We are dedicated to bringing your quality content. We know there are lots of movies being made and it can be hard to filter through the good and not so great ones. At Nigerian Entertainment, we only filter the best so you don’t have to. Enjoy our feature movie of the week.

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